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This degree programme is admission-restricted. Prospective students must therefore first apply for a place on the programme. If more applications are received than there are places available, a ranking list is drawn up according to Bachelor's grade. Admission is based on a local numerus clausus procedure (ONC procedure). The best applications in the ranking will be offered a place on the programme. The degree programme can only be started in the winter semester.

To apply, the following proof of professional aptitude and language skills (language certificates for German and English) must be uploaded as PDF files:

  • Bachelor's certificate from a relevant degree programme (e.g. Biology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biomedicine, etc.) as well as a transcript of records with all coursework and examinations, total credit points and final grade. If the degree programme has not yet been completed at the time of application, an interim certificate (e.g. transcript of records) covering at least 80% of the maximum number of credit points (CP) to be earned with at least 144 CP and an average grade of 2.50 or better must be submitted.

  • Non-EU citizens must also submit a preliminary examination documentation (VPD) for the HHU from uni-assist. 

  • Module description(s) of the module handbook for courses in cell and molecular biology (at least 7 CP)

  • Module description(s) of the module handbook for courses in biochemistry and/or physiology (at least 13 CP)

  • German language certificate (Germans are exempt from the German language certificate. The same applies if the study qualification was obtained at a German-speaking institution).

  • English language certificate (German school leaving certificate (e.g. Abitur certificate) with proof of at least 5 years of school English at a secondary school in Germany; other English language certificates must attest at least a language ability according to CEFR level B2; other accepted certificates are DAAD language certificate level B2, TOEFL (90 iBT), IELTS (6.5 or better), etc.).

To begin the application process, please click on the following link: https://digstu.hhu.de/



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